Recipe: Goulash Slovak

* Ingredients
-3 lbs. beef, pork or veal.

-12 potatoes.

-2 lg. onions.

-1 1/2 tbsp.Salt.

-pepper6 lg. carrots.

*Way to do it

1- In big pot, saute onions until light brown.

2- Add paprika and mix well. Add meat and saute until lightly brown.

3- Season meat with salt and pepper. Watch - do not burn. Add carrots and mix. Cover with water and simmer for 15 minutes.

4-Add potatoes and more salt and pepper if desired. Mix. Add more to cover.

5- Again simmer 30-45 minutes until potatoes, carrots and meat are soft when stuck with a fork. GOOD LUCK!!! Eat with rye bread and butter. It is yummy.

* Necessary time
45 minutes.

* Number of persons
8 persons.

* Variants and other comentaries
GOOD LUCK!!! Eat with rye bread and butter. It is yummy.
If havén´t enougt time for do it you can use a pressure cooker.(Reduce time a half)

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