Recipe: Aubergines with meat, Mosacaa.

* Ingredients
- 1 kg of black aubergines.

- 1/4 kg of minced meat prepared with cut onion into pieces

- 1 1/2 of sauce / or crushed tomato.

- Salt.

- Pepper.

- Oil to fry.

- Pine kernels(Pinions) (according to taste)

* Way to do it
1- To peel the aubergines, to cut them in tracks and add salt them.

2- To fry them in abundant oil.

3- Extract them on a newspaper to absorb the exceeds oil.

4- Then put the aubergines in a container, put the meat on top and to cover with sauce tomatoes and opcional bechamel sauce.

5- Bake to everage temperature.

* Necessary time
45 minutes

* Number of persons
4 servings

* Variants and other comentaries

You may add cheese between aubergines and meat. It´s really delicious with cheese also on the top.

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