Recipe: Tiramisu

* Ingredients
- 3 eggs

- 3 tablespoons of sugar

- 300g Mascarpone cheese

- 200g Savoiardi biscuits (or sponge cake pieces)

- 3 cups of coffee

- Cocoa powder

* Way to do it
1- Separate the egg whites from the yolks.

2- Whip up the egg whites with ½ a tablespoon of sugar. The egg whites should form soft peaks.

3- Separately whip up the yolks with the remaining sugar for about 3 minutes.

4- Put the cheese into the whipped yolks.

5- Add the egg whites and mix carefully with a palette knife.

6- Soak the biscuits (or sponge) in the coffee.

7- Put a layer of them into a dish or mould and pour half the cheese cream over it.

8- Cover with another layer of biscuits or sponge and finish the cake with another layer of cream.

9- Sprinkle cocoa powder on the cake’s surface and put it into the fridge for at least 2 hours before serving.

* Necessary time
30 minutes

* Number of persons
6 persons

* Variants and other comentaries
This is a delicious tipical Italian cake. It´s always sucessfull for dessert.


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