-225 gr. of bare and sliced potatoes in buckets
-15 gr. of fine fresh ginger
-1 divided green pepper
-1 fine perforated onion
-½ turmeric teaspoon
-½ teaspoon of pimentón
-50 gr. of granulated coco
-1 nosey spoonful of oil
-1 teaspoon of mustard seeds
-4 leaves of curry, salt
* Way to do it
1. It covers the potato with water and go to boil along with ginger, the green pepper, the onion, turmeric and pimentón, during 15 minutes, until tender but it is not softened.
2. Meanwhile, it passes the Coco through a mixer and add grazes obtained to the cooked potato.
3. It warms up the oil in a frying pan and add the mustard seeds and the leaves of curry. It leaves seeds boil to high fire during moments until they are toasts; then past them to the mixture of the potato.
4. It lets rest the mixture with the container partially covered, during 5-10 minutes; then add salt to the pleasure
* Necessary time
25 minutes
* Number of persons
4 person
* Variants and other comentaries
Curry is the used specie in Indian, especially in the zone of Madras, from where best curry comes. One is a dust of variable composition and is formed mainly by different spices and dry grass: coriander, cinnamon, ginger, pepper of cayena, nail, nut nutmeg and turmeric.
In India each cook prepares his own curry, according to the region and according to what he is going away to cook.
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