Recipe, Cocktail of Sangria of Cider

* Ingredients
- 1 bottle of natural cider whithout "escanciar".

-20 cl of lemon refresh.

-20cl of orange refresh.

-A cup of ron or brandy.

-100gr. of sugar.

-Ice cubes.

- Piece of orange and lemon fruit.

* Way to do it
1- Sting the Pieces of fruit and througt them into a container.

2- Add the orange and lemon refresh .

3- Add the natural cider and then add carefuly the sugar.

4- Stir all with wooden spoon and add the ice cubes before server.

* Necessary time
5 minutes.

* Number of persons
4 persons

* Variants and other comentaries
This is my friend´s recipe who is from Asturias, Spain. This is the place where there are the best natural cider. All people who visit Spain have to Know this place.
In Asturias there are many restaurants where serving this easy and fantastic recipe.
If you have guest at home don´t worry and you can server this easy and delicious cocktail for drinks.

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